Saturday, August 23, 2008

23-Aug-08 - Thought for the Day 1 - ***NEW***

To keep our 888ideas FRESH and CURRENT and to give a LINK for everyone to SHARE (888**It is all about da lynx**888), we are going to post a "Thought for the Day" on this site as a starting point for a video or a blog post.

Today's thought is "Where there is a will, there is a way".

This was contributed by Ben - friend of TomDiggleHarry at the DAGger Day yesterday (which was lots of fun).

Please check this blog daily for updates.
What we promise is CONTINUOUS CHANGE. :)


pommygran8 said...

love the slide show! and cant seem to locate duff888 blogspot-is he there?

EyeOfTheLeopard said...
hasn't started blogging yet :(

888 The Av 'n Gav Show 888 said...

great slide show - this is fun!!!