We have a great range of clips captioned now. From the funny to the serious to the "what the?", featuring cooking and baking instruction, taking us to exotic locations and the not so exotic ones, with handy tips about life, love and the universe. Check out the following channels for the latest.
Pommygran8 888schatzi747 Dontmesswithmum sydhappyguy
Everapominoz Iamatreeagain
888eyeoftheleopard TomDiggleHarry MadameSynesthesia
Everapominoz Iamatreeagain
888eyeoftheleopard TomDiggleHarry MadameSynesthesia
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BTW, this is one of my favourites
This is by far one of my favourites as well! The whole series of jives was spectacular :) It was an absolute pleasure to caption it. I have to say, though, it wasn't so much fun working out the lyrics to the soundtracks! But we captioners do the best we can.
Speaking of which, thanks for the shout-out and your acknowledgment of the captioners, Mr Le-O-pard. It means a lot.
thank you all for captioning it, uploading it and doing all of that!! You rock!
Giggling your way xxx
In the mood for fun - great dancing guys. Thanks for everything everyone has done. DAG rocks.
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