Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Brother


This project is all about free expression/fun/generating links and discussion BUT in order for this to gain momentum we also have to have some order/similar look-feel [don't panic - not planning on turning you into Ronald McDonalds], and consistency in updating re. tagging etc.

We have some exciting NEW stuff on the horizon (stay tuned) but in the interim I am compiling a table that is checking across all blogs/Youtube channels the following:

- are posts correctly tagged?
- do you have the full 888DAG blog list on your blog?
- have your Youtube videos been embedded in your blog?
- have the videos been correctly described and tagged on your channel?
- do you actually HAVE a channel (only applicable if you have a 888DAG camera)?
- is your Channel linked to the other people in the 888DAGGERS network?

I'm guilty of not completing a couple of these myself (rushing off now to erase my mistakes before someone says "HANG ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") so don't feel bad if your online house is also a bit scruffy around the edges.

If it's lack of time and you just don't like cleaning can you please make some time to tidy (or perhaps get a friend/partner/lover to assist)

If it's confusion about something please add a comment or send me an email at katrina.partridge@bigpond.com. We're here to help.



KMP said...

oh, and if you're scared of tidying ... make a video about it :-)

TomDiggleHarry said...

Aye Big Brother, 888! All good, gr8 and am more than happy to help others, too. 888 this, 888 that and have a DAG day... xx

KMP said...

What a gr8 mate !!

Madame Synesthesia said...

I've gone and done some housework and I think it's pretty clean, but feel free to run your finger along the rafters and let me know if there's anything I've missed. :)
Thanks for all your hard work on the project.

pommygran8 said...

I think I have but will check with the head cook and bottle washer....

schatzi said...

I've definitely got some work to do. I left a message asking some questions a couple of days ago but I might send you email with specific questions and then get to work. Just not very familiar with the whole YouTube thing so everything takes forever. Will get there tho. Will make it a priority!

KMP said...

Crikey, if people have rung me ... I confess I don't know how to access my blackberry phone voicemail system (if that's the number they have called me on). [And please stop groaning Mr T]. Try my mobile 0419 439 429 - guaranteed to work :-)

schatzi said...

I contacted tomdiggleharry and he's promised to help me get a bit wiser on the whole YouTube thing. So I look forward to Wed and after that a spotless youtube house!