I have spent a few hours going between everyone's blogs and think I may finally have the full list. Can you please check if your blog is listed and add a comment to this post ASAP if it isn't so I can ensure the list is kept updated.
Can you please then ensure your blog list is up to date with this one.
I will shortly also show people how to add the list as a single piece of html rather than add each blog individually if they find the latter too troublesome.
The 888 Bloggers List is as follows:
Friends of 888Dag/888 Bible: http://friendsof888dag.blogspot.com/
Social X-Rays: http://www.viewsfromhk.blogspot.com
Peel Back: http://www.peelback888.blogspot.com
Kym of the King: http://kymoftheking.blogspot.com/
It's a Mobius Trip: http://888mobiusstrip.blogspot.com/
The AvNGav Show: http://888avngav.blogspot.com/
Don't Mess with Mum: http://dontmesswithmum.blogspot.com/
Syhappyguy: http://sydhappyguy.blogspot.com/
Smoke and Mirrors: http://smokeandmirrors888.blogspot.com/
DJMissUniv3rs3: http://djmissuniv3rs3.blogspot.com/
Iamatreeagain: http://iamatreeagain.blogspot.com/
Locomango: http://locomango.blogspot.com/
888DAG: http://888dag.blogspot.com/
DutchKiwiAussie: http://schatzi747.blogspot.com/
K9: http://everapominoz.blogspot.com/
Eye of the Leopard: http://eyeoftheleopard.blogspot.com/
TomDiggleHarry: http://tomdiggleharry.blogspot.com/
Feelion: http://feelion888.blogspot.com/
The Green Leopard: http://thegreenleopard.blogspot.com/
The Miracle Mile: http://themiraclemile74.blogspot.com/
Crazy About 8: http://55digdag.blogspot.com/
Gossip Girl: http://gossipgirl844444.blogspot.com/
DJ Bad Wolf: http://djbadwolf.blogspot.com/
868 Messiah: http://868messiah.blogspot.com/
PommyGran: http://pommygran.blogspot.com/
Herminelee: http://herminelee.blogspot.com/
Emerald City: http://888glinda.blogspot.com/
Family Abrahams: http://familyabrahams.blogspot.com/
Duff888: http://www.duff888.blogspot.com
Pommygran8: http://pommygran8.blogspot.com/
Madame Synesthesia: http://synesthesiasoul.blogspot.com/
Dedroidify: http://dedroidify.blogspot.com/
CrystalClear: http://888crystalclear.blogspot.com/
JIM: http://888jim.blogspot.com
Off The Hoof: http://wwwchosenprints.blogspot.com/
Furball: http://888furball.blogspot.com/